Let’s pray for Europe!
OUR MISSION as Hebron Europe e.V. (a German non-profit organisation) is to enable and inspire prayer for Europe – prayer that changes things! Through our prayer gatherings and prayer letters we seek to bring the power of prayer to the issues affecting Europe today and to influence the future of Europe tomorrow.
“God is at work in Europe and it is powerful when we as Europeans gather in unity and faith to pray for the rebuilding of His Kingdom in our continent.”
Check out these ministries:
- Europeans United in Prayer – prayer gatherings for Europe
- Canopy of Prayer – fortnightly prayer letters to encourage and inspire European Christians to pray for Europe
- Worship and prayer initiatives such as europeringofworship.eu and europeswells.org
Our glorious Heavenly Father has a plan for Europe. Our wonderful Saviour Jesus has not finished with our continent yet. So we need to listen to His heart and pray according to what the Holy Spirit reveals to us.
Why the name “Hebron Europe”?
The vision comes from 2 Samuel 5:1-3, where the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel gathered at Hebron to make David their king. Similarly, we are Europeans who gather and pray because we believe that Jesus is Lord and King of Europe.